Monday, December 5, 2022

2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

The Historical Fiction Reading Challenge is my favorite challenge so I am signing up to participate again next year. Like this year, I am participating at the Ancient History level which requires that 25 books be read. I probably read more historical mysteries than fiction as some historical fiction books are rather dry. However, I am ready to read both subgenres.

The Rules:

1)    Write a review of the book you read. If you don't have a blog you can post a link to your review if it's posted on Goodreads, Facebook, or Amazon, or you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section of the challenge post.

2)    Any sub-genre of historical fiction is accepted (Historical Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, History/Non-Fiction, etc.)

3)    You can choose to participate at

one of the different reading levels:

20th Century Reader - 2 books
Victorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books

4)    To join the challenge you only need to make a post about it, add your link at the challenge host post at The Intrepid Reader. 

5)    Use the challenge hashtag #histficreadingchallenge, join in on the Facebook page, and grab the challenge badge from The Intrepid Reader.

Happy reading!


  1. I have a question - will you be posting the Mr Linky for adding our posts or is this only linkable through Facebook?

    1. Tina, I am not hosting the challenge. You can sign up at the Intrepid Reader blog.

  2. I'm aiming for Medieval level for my first attempt. Looking forward to the Challenge :-)

  3. Stephanie - I am not hosting the challenge. Sign up at the Intrepid Reader blog. Have fun next year!
