Saturday, April 29, 2023

Book of the Month: April

The Paris Notebook was the best book that I read this month. While there were two other books that I rated 5 out of 5 stars, the premise for The Paris Notebook intrigued me the most. In this story we have a young Adolf Hitler being treated for a psychiatric disorder during WWI. When he later came to power in Germany, Hitler tried to prevent those records from coming to light. The book is based on real events.  Hitler did receive treatment for psychological issues while he served in the first world war, hysterical blindness, and he also attempted to locate those records so that they could be destroyed. As our main character Katja Heinz traveled back and forth from Germany to Paris in order to get these medical records published, I felt just as scared and paranoid as she was. This was a tense thriller that keeps you hoping that she does not get caught. Not only does she have top secret documents but Katja is also Jewish.

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