Friday, April 21, 2023

The Cursed Heir

The Cursed Heir is the 2nd book in author Heather Atkinson's Alardyce House series. The series takes place in Edinburgh during the Victorian Era and in this installment of the series the family has gathered to celebrate the engagement of Alardyce House heir Robert to his childhood sweetheart Jane. For his mother Amy the moment is marred by the darkness she sees in Robert, a darkness that his biological father  Matthew had. Matthew was a criminal who beat and killed women and was hung for his crimes. Amy wants to prevent her son from the noose. However, reports are emerging about Robert beating female household staff. Amy fears that the streets of Edinburgh are not safe when Robert is in town. To make matters worse, the increasing distance between him and his step-father Henry threatens the peace of Henry's marriage to Amy. The only question is whether this most cursed heir will ruin the family's reputation forever or will a mother's love save them all.

This was an exciting page turner with alot of plot twists. The reader never knows when Robert is going to strike again or when other characters will prevent him from obtaining access to girls that he is interested in. The story begins several years after the first book ends. Since the family relationships are complex, I recommend that you read The Missing Girls of Alardyce House first. Even though I read the first book month or two ago, I found it difficult in the beginning to remember who hurt who previously.  While I loved The Cursed Heir, I think that The Missing Girls of Alardyce House was better.  Cursed Heir had less action but more family drama. The story ended with an unresolved cliff-hanger that won't be resolved until the third book of the series, His Fatal Legacy begins.  His Fatal Legacy was published last month on March 20, 2023.  I will be reading it next month.

4 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about Edinburgh all week as the Dorothy Dunnett fan group is having a conference there right now and I wish my mother and I had gone! My library doesn't own The Missing Girls which is disappointing.
