Friday, September 13, 2024

My Husband’s Affair

Ruth Heald is one of my favorite authors. She recently published a new psychological thriller on April 10, 2024. Her books are always mesmerizing with plenty of suspense so I picked up a copy of it. It did not disappoint and, as the advertising says, it is unputdownable.

The publisher's summary:

I thought I had the perfect marriage. But as our beautiful children sleep soundly in the next room, I stare at the messages between my husband Rob and another woman, their promises to run away together bringing tears to my eyes. My heart stops when I see the latest one: ‘Leave my wife to me. I’ll get rid of her.’

My blood runs cold. I know this woman. I’ve let her into my home, where she’s bounced my rosy-cheeked baby on her knee. She could ruin my life in moments – she knows things about me even Rob doesn’t…

They think they can get rid of me so easily. They think they can just tear apart the perfect life we’ve built. But they've made a mistake underestimating me. He doesn't know I've uncovered his secrets. And now I know just enough to destroy him.

I can play the perfect wife for just a little longer. I’ll do anything to protect my children and my life. And he has no idea just how far I’ll go…

The story was one wild ride. The identity of the mistress was easy to figure out but because earlier books by Heald had many uncertainties, I could not be sure. Heald is known for throwing her readers for a loop. I kept thinking about all the female characters as possible mistresses. I didn't particularly like the main character Jen. She was a stepford wife whose only goal in life was to keep a clean home for her husband and cook his dinners, which was always later than when his kids ate. Jen lived to please him. When she finally got sick of that husband Jen sought revenge. She was more likeable as an angry wife.

Jen has two close friends, Natasha and Amy. One is in love with Jen and the other is in love with Rob. Jen doesn't know any of this until at least page 250 of this 350 page novel. Rob is the perfect villain. He not only cheats on his wife but he doles out money for household expenses only as they are needed. Jen does not have any money of her own but isn't aware of it because he always gives her what she needs. Any other woman would see him as controlling and demand access to bank accounts.

Lots of plot twists kept coming and it was hard to tell how this story was going to end because these relationships were weird. I wasn't sure which character was going to come out in top. I hoped Jen would win in the end but, hey, I'm not going to tell you. Read the book. It's awesome!

5 out of 5 stars.

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