Saturday, September 14, 2024

Capture or Kill

Capture or Kill is the 23rd Mitch Rapp spy thriller. The series was begun by Vince Flynn who died approximately ten years ago. I haven't read any of the books published after his death until now. I selected this book for the Calendar of Crime Reading Challenge based on its publication month. Capture or Kill was just published a few days ago on September 3, 2024.

The publisher's summary:  

April 2011: On a remote mountaintop overlooking the remains of the Iranian nuclear weapons program, Azad Ashani witnesses a Quds Force demonstration of a capability meant to upend America’s war in the Middle East. Ashani, director of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security and Irene Kennedy’s former back channel to the Iranian government, recognizes the demonstration’s true significance, and the nation-ending conflict it will provoke. Alone, Ashani stands no chance of preventing this rush to madness. But with the help of one man, he just might.

In Washington, DC, CIA director Irene Kennedy briefs the president that the operational window to kill or capture Osama bin Laden at his recently discovered compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan is rapidly closing. But before he’ll authorize a commando raid on Pakistani soil, the president demands irrefutable proof of bin Laden’s presence.
Proof he trusts just one man to provide. Preventing a looming war in the Middle East while delivering justice for the nearly 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 would be a big ask for anyone.

The book had a slow beginning and I struggled to maintain interest. I found myself skipping pages of narrative just to get to some action. For example, after reading 10 pages of narrative Rapp contacted his boss Irene Kennedy. After the hellos we returned to another page or two of narrative before continuing the conversation. By this time I had forgotten who had called who and why. Another reason I found the story to hard to follow was the excessive number of acronyms. Within one of the early chapters we had SUNSPOT, HAVOK, TALON, ICE, PETTY, RTO, SIGINT, HENLEY, YUENGLING, and FAIRBANKS. It was too much for me all at once.

I broke one of my rules to stop reading if I do not become engaged after 50 pages. I made it to page 100 but only because Vince Flynn's name was on the book cover. Flynn was a phenomenal writer and I miss his stories. Since this was a DNF novel there is no rating. Please note that I haven't had a DNF in at least 5 years. 

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