Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Geek in Japan

I saw this travel guide at my local Barnes and Noble. Its pages appear similar to a comic book format but it is not a comic.  I figured that the page design would help me retain information easily so I bought it. It was published in 2019. The guidebook covers a wide array of topics in short articles accompanied by sidebars and numerous photographs. It provides a lively digest of the society and culture of Japan. The book was designed to appeal to the generations of westerners who grew up on pokemon, manga and video games. This audience description does not describe myself. However, I found the book to be a fantastic resource.

Spotlighting the originality and creativity of the Japanese, debunking myths about them, and answering nagging questions like why they're so fond of robots, author Hector Garcia has created the perfect book for the growing ranks of Japanophiles in this highly informative guide. It has sections on Japanese culture, history, work life, music, TV and movies. Each section has photos and sidebars and short articles on each topic.  The sidebars are what make the book look like a comic book. The humor also gives it that comic book feel.

I am preparing for a month long visit to Japan in 6 weeks and have read several guidebooks. A Geek In Japan has its place among them all. The information contained in the book rates somewhere between a comprehensive travel guide and light reading.  I am rating it 3 out of 5 stars.

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