Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Orchard

The Orchard is an Amish fiction story that takes place in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The main character, Ellie Hostettler, grew up near an apple orchard that her father owned. Twin brother Evan was expected to take over the business but Evan's interest in the ways of the Englischers has been disconcerting to his family. Evan got caught attending the funeral of an English friend, Jack Herr, who died in Vietnam. Evan has been highly influenced by his friendship with Jack. He is considering joining the army to fight in Vietnam and when he fails to register as a conscientious objector the Hostettler family is devastated. Meanwhile the ladies are all trying to find husbands and their Amish reserve prevents them from being proactive.  

The Orchard was a relaxing read and it was difficult to put down. I did so but only for an hour because I wanted to know what was happening with Evan. Ellie's feelings about the peacefulness of the orchard made me feel peaceful too. She enjoyed walking there most days, especially when family drama was upsetting her. I can relate to this as walking through a park helps me deal with drama as well. Of course, it wouldn't be Amish fiction without romance. The romance side to the story was sweet but what I enjoyed most about this tale is the intrusion of the Vietnam War in Amish life.

5 out of 5 stars.

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