Sunday, February 26, 2023

Book of the Month: February

I had a difficult time deciding which book was my best read for the month. Four books that I read were excellent: The Godmother's Secret, Cor Rotto, The Orchard and Hide. The deciding factor was innovation in genre. The Orchard, by Amish fiction writer Beverly Lewis, combines the modern world into the Amish world in a new and shocking way. The main thrust of the story was an Amish character's participation in the Vietnam War.

The main character, Ellie Hostettler, grew up near an apple orchard that her father owned. Twin brother Evan was expected to take over the business but Evan's interest in the ways of the Englischers has been disconcerting to his family. Evan got caught attending the funeral of an English friend, Jack Herr, who died in Vietnam. Evan has been highly influenced by his friendship with Jack. He is considering joining the army to fight in Vietnam and when he fails to register as a conscientious objector the Hostettler family is devastated. Meanwhile, the ladies are all trying to find husbands which, of course, they find or it wouldn't be Amish fiction.

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