Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Reading Update

I wanted to let my blog readers know that I am experiencing life challenges right now and as a result, cannot concentrate when I am reading.  I have a long list of books that I wanted to read last month and this month but I am not sure whether I will be able to get through them.  A recent MRI diagnosed 5 disc herniations, nerve impingements at 3 levels, stenosis, and 10 spinal joints that don't move at all. Needless to say, I have alot of pain. As usual when I am in a pain flare, the plumbing in my apartment doesn't work.  The kitchen sink is backed up and the toilet no longer flushes, overflowing last night.  I am physically unable to deal with these issues and have to let others assist me.  It is humbling to need to accept help. Yesterday I collapsed while waiting in a long line to vote. An election judge brought me a chair to sit in. When I fell, my jeans tore in an embarrassing place so when I got home at 7 pm I went to bed. I was done. And I don't care who won the election. I voted and that is all I can do so I will not be thinking about whatever consequences there are to the vote.

Today is better but the murder of a friend back in March is always on my mind. Perhaps 2022 is just a lousy year for me but I feel that 2023 won't be much better.  It might just be that the negative thoughts from pain are influencing my feelings but we shall soon see what 2023 has in store for all of us.

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