Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Other Man

I had high hopes for The Other Man given it's gorgeous cover. However,  I never engaged with the story. It seemed that I was reading about Ved Mehra's day as he might write about it in a mundane way in a journal. His days were boring. The plot concerns his mother's attempts to get him married. As a 38 year old single man, Ved finally agrees to an arranged marriage with Disha Kapoor. While the wedding preparations are underway Ved meets Carlos Silva and begins an affair with him. The thrust of the novel is whether Ved has the strength tell his parents that he is gay and live openly in Bombay as a gay man.

As the plot moves on the reader learns how Ved became a closeted gay man. This is an interesting part of the plot as is his blossoming friendship with Disha. It is hard to tell which way Ved will ultimately go and it is all complicated because he is the heir to a big family business. Also, there is some sexual description but not alot.

This one left me bored. No rating.

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