Thursday, September 12, 2024

Twice on Christmas

I selected Twice on Christmas for the Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge. It is a psychological thriller by McGarvey Black and it was published in 2023. This is the second book of his that I have read and he is now one of my favorite authors.

The publisher's summary:

After choir practice for midnight mass, college sophomore Rose Grandon takes a short-cut through Harbor Park. Grabbed from behind, she is violently assaulted, beaten and left for dead. The last thing she hears is a tenor voice singing Silent Night. Several hours later, the police find Rose lying in a ditch. Badly beaten - but alive. As she recovers in hospital, Rose is told she's pregnant. She has a terrible choice to make. She decides to keep the baby. Nine months later, she gives birth to a beautiful baby girl. She names her Mary. Rose lives quietly in her small Connecticut hometown raising her daughter - the one good thing to come out of her horrible ordeal. She begins to get her old self back. But her evil attacker has never been caught. He strikes twice a year. Once on Christmas Eve, once on Christmas Day. And until he's behind bars, Rose and her baby can never be safe. But now he's found out he has a daughter. And that changes everything . . .

This story was incredibly fast paced. Each chapter ended with sky-high suspense that kept me reading from page 1 until the end in one sitting. The ending was shocking and I am still thinking about it several days after finishing my read.

The police investigation took place over fifteen years. There weren't a lot of clues to follow up on as the perpetrator only killed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He also did not kill in the same state twice so local law enforcement initially did not connect the crimes. A FBI Agent figured out the connection but, still, there were not enough clues to determine the identity of the perp. For the first half of the book, the time period of the chapters was one year after the last chapter. The reader sees a new assault and murder in every chapter and this ratcheted up the suspense.

Rose stopped dating men after her attack. She began to have coffee dates with male family friends and two priests who served at her church after about 12 or 13 years. They all made her feel uncomfortable so she always stopped these casual dates. Her daughter had behavior issues but not with her new 3rd grade teacher, David Zeliga and a new priest in her parish, Thomas Villane. Mary was prone to hitting other children at school and drew horrifying pictures of stick figures attacking people with knives. The reader gets the feeling that these new folks in Rose's life could be the perp. The aha moment in law enforcement resolution of the crimes came toward the very end. I won't tell you what it is but I must admit that the author came up with a brilliant connection between the crimes.

Twice on Christmas is a scary story that sticks with you for days. I am rating it way over 5 out of 5 stars. You simply must read this book.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pink Lemonade Cake Murder

Last month I was looking for a book title with a holiday theme for the Calendar of Crime Reading Challenge. I read several books for the challenge in August but didn't get around to this one. It would have qualified for the challenge as a an August holiday because August 20 is National Lemonade Day!  

The publisher's summary:

The Tri-County Summer Solstice Celebration has come to town, and even among local artisans, athletes, and marching bands, Hannah attracts fans of her own while serving lip-smacking pink lemonade desserts. But the mood sours when a body turns up, leading revelers to wonder if the festivities mark both the longest day of the year and the deadliest . . . 
A retired professional MLB player has met a terrifying end—and, considering the rumors swirling about his past, the list of suspects could fill a small stadium. Among them could soon be Delores, Hannah’s mother, who publicly held a grudge against the victim after he infamously dunked her in the tank at a previous county fair. With her mother’s innocence on the line, a life-changing announcement at The Cookie Jar, and a plethora of desserts to bake, Hannah can’t afford to strike out as she begins a dangerous investigation into the ruthless killer who’s truly in a league of their own . . .

I was disappointed that the murder did not occur until page 100. The first 100 pages were about Hannah and her sister Andrea making and decorating cakes and cookies. It was mouthwatering to read about baking with pink lemonade, especially since there were recipes at the end of each chapter. Because I concentrated on studying thise recipes, the flow of the mystery was slow. I was also disappointed that each of the recipes used cake mixes. In all of the other books of the series the author had recipes made from scratch. However, I am aware that there are other bakers who prefer to use cake mixes.

Regarding the resolution of the mystery, there wasn't much plot action. Hannah’s aha moments in solving the crime always happened while she was drinking coffee. The reveal of the whodunnit was a surprise but the whydunnit was odd, i.e., girls riding on top of a car. In fact, I wasn't sure if this was really the reason for the murder and had to go back to the beginning and reread a few chapters. 

This installment of the series is not the strongest and I am rating it 3 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

By Evening's Light

I was lucky to receive a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.  It was published on August 20, 2024 by Bethany House and is an Amish fiction story.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the novel. Treva is the main character. She was raised Mennonite but after her parents died both she and her sisters were taken in by their Amish grandparents. From her grandparents Treva learned about a great-great aunt, Rosene, who suffered under the Nazis. The book alternates chapters between their respective stories. Treva has recently returned to Pennsylvania following a mission in Haiti. While there, Treva broke up with her boyfriend Zeke. Treva had planned to move to Alaska but she missed her expected leave date because her family needed her help. Treva’s quandary is whether she will be able to move to Alaska or whether to stay on the family farm.

I loved that the story was about Amish folks in post WWII Germany. We don’t usually see this topic in Amish fiction. I also loved the contemporary feel of the book and was impressed that Treva had been on a mission. I was not aware that the Amish went on missions. Now that this author on my radar I am planning to read more books written by her.

4 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday #33

I love this weekly meme where we showcase books that we are excited about but haven't yet read. Usually they are books that haven't been published yet. 

This week I want to highlight The Thirteenth Husband by Greer Macallister. The story is based on a real woman from history. It takes place during the gilded age and is narrated by the glamorous Aimee Crocker. Aimee reveals everything about her from her mischievous days in German finishing school to dinners with Hawaiian royalty to lavish Astor parties in Manhattan. But behind Aimee's public notoriety, there's private pain over something that happened to her when she was ten years old.

The plot interests me but the book title has me engaged. Who had 13 husband's and how did she get rid of them all? I simply have to read this novel. It goes without saying that I'm excited to read about dinners with Hawaiian royalty because Hawaii is my favorite state. 

The book was published yesterday and I will be reading and reviewing it soon.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Ash's Cabin

Ash's Cabin is a coming of age graphic novel by Jen Wang. It was published on August 13, 2024 and has been written for young adults in grades 10 through 12. 

The publisher's summary:

Ash has always felt alone. Adults ignore the climate crisis. Other kids Ash’s age are more interested in pop stars and popularity contests than in fighting for change. Even Ash’s family seems to be sleepwalking through life. The only person who ever seemed to get Ash was Grandpa Edwin. Before he died, he used to talk about building a secret cabin deep in the California wilderness. Did he ever build it? What if it’s still there, waiting for him to come back…or for Ash to find it? To Ash, that cabin is starting to feel like the perfect place for a fresh start and an escape from the miserable feeling of alienation that haunts her daily life.  But making the wilds your home isn’t easy. And as much as Ash wants to be alone…can she really be happy alone?  


The publisher's website states that this graphic novel tackles the topic of gender identity. I was not aware of this until the ending and I looked up the book. A classmate places her hand on Ash's hand and Ash's face lights up. I feel a little stupid for not picking up on the new masculine name but in my defense let me say the reader doesn't know what Ash's name originally was. In fact, in the first chapter I thought Ash was male. Her desire to learn survival skills didn't cause me to suspect anything either. It just sounded like a great adventure. Her withdrawal from her high school classmates didn't make me suspicious either. Half the kids in school are withdrawn. My only clue that she was gay was that hand.

I would not categorize the book as LGBTQ fiction. It's about Ash's six month long plan to camp in the wilderness and then her execution of the plan. She takes her beloved dog Chase with her and, as an animal lover, I enjoyed their exploits. She was only supposed to be gone two weeks but Ash lasted 42 days in the wilderness. After Chase became injured Ash should have taken him home. She didn't and that upset me some.

All things considered, Ash's Cabin was a fun read. 5 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Secret War of Julia Child

I have always loved Julia Child. I learned how to cook from her TV programs on public television. When I  saw this ARC on Net Galley, I immediately requested it. The book did not disappoint. It was fantastic.  The book will be published next month.

The publisher's summary:  

Before she mastered the art of French cooking in midlife, Julia Child found herself working in the secrets trade in Asia during World War II, a journey that will delight both historical fiction fans and lovers of America's most beloved chef, revealing how the war made her into the icon we know now.

Single, 6 foot 2, and thirty years old, Julia McWilliams took a job working for America's first espionage agency, years before cooking or Paris entered the picture. The Secret War of Julia Child traces Julia's transformation from ambitious Pasadena blue blood to Washington, DC file clerk, to head of General "Wild Bill" Donovan's secret File Registry as part of the Office of Strategic Services.

The wartime journey takes her to the Far East, to Asia's remote frontlines of then-Ceylon, India, and China, where she finds purpose, adventure, self-knowledge – and love with mapmaker Paul Child. The spotlight has rarely shone on this fascinating period of time in the life of ("I'm not a spy") Julia Child, and this lyrical story allows us to explore the unlikely world of a woman in World War II spy station who has no idea of the impact she'll eventually impart.

Before starting my read, I was aware of Julia's WWII work for the OSS. This part of her life was included in a biography, Appetite for Life. I was interested in finding out if this historical fiction account of her life had more information. It didn't. The author stated on her website that she spent months doing research but many details could not be confirmed. If you have never heard of Julia Child that should not affect your enjoyment of the novel. It reads like any good spy novel with some romance thrown in. 

As the grand-daughter of a railroad tycoon, Julia grew up wealthy in Sacramento, CA. When WWII broke out many kids from wealthy families were able to obtain these plush jobs with the OSS. Julia was one of them. She wanted some adventure before marrying and bearing children. She initially traveled to India but was soon sent to nearby Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka. It was here where she met her future husband Paul Child. After a tumultuous six months, Julia was reassigned to China where she worked under Louis Mountbatten. You can't make this stuff up! While not hired to be a spy, it was soon evident to her bosses that she had talents and she managed to ferret out a double spy. While in China Julia found that two compatriots were double spies also. One was executed for treason and the other spent the rest of her life in prison. It is around these facts that the author spun her tale. The story ends with the conclusion of the war in Japan when she and Paul become engaged. 

5 out of 5 stars.


Tender was published on March 12, 2024. It is a psychological thriller in comic format and is the author's debut graphic novel.

The publisher's summary:

Carolanne wanted a perfect wedding, a perfect husband, a perfect family. She carefully performs her own roles (gal pal, bestie, girlfriend, wife, and expectant mother) and manipulates those around her to try and get the results she wants. Her desire to control the uncontrollable ultimately becomes her undoing. When things don't go her way, she exerts dominance over the one thing she does have total control over: her body; until that "betrays" her. After suffering a horrible loss, Carolanne spirals into a literal, all-consuming delusion causing her body to produce symptoms of a hysterical pregnancy ― as a result of her slicing off bits of her own flesh and eating them.

Chicago cartoonist and educator Beth Hetland’s graphic novel debut is a brilliant psychological thriller that tears down the wall of a genre ― body horror ― so often identified with male creators. Heady and visceral, Tender uses horrific tropes to confront women’s societal expectations of self-sacrifice despite those traditional roles often coming at the expense of female sexuality and empowerment.


I won't lie. After finishing the book I had to read the summary above in order to figure out what I just read. The story alternates between time periods as you would see with any psychological thriller. However, I was not expecting it and was confused as to what happened in Carolanne's life. A re-read helped me understand.

The horror aspect of the book is from Carolanne's self mutilation. We only have illustrations to know she was doing this to herself. Some of the illustrations were so jarring that I couldn't look at them. It's only apparent that Carolanne was trying to have a perfect life from these drawings and that the pressure she put on herself had to come out somewhere. We read about her striving for the perfect relationship, perfect wedding and perfect motherhood. Unfortunately none of that actually happened.

The ending was unexpected. I am still thinking about it a week after reading the novel and have a sinking feeling in my stomach. The author deserves accolades for writing the usual date, wedding, baby story from the horror genre. It works.

Not recommended for kids. The drawings have nudity and self-mutilation. 5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #33

Yesterday I perused books on my Kindle app and found this interesting book. The Berry Pickers was published in October 2023. I can't believe that I passed it up because both the story and the book cover are enticing.

In July 1962, a Mi’kmaq family from Nova Scotia arrives in Maine to pick blueberries for the summer. Weeks later, four-year-old Ruthie, the family’s youngest child, vanishes. She is last seen by her six-year-old brother, Joe, sitting on a favorite rock at the edge of a berry field. Joe will remain distraught by his sister’s disappearance for years to come. The story alternates between 1962 and the current era where a young girl named Norma has recurring dreams and visions that seem more like memories than imagination.

It will be interesting to read about this indigenous group. I have never heard of them.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Book of the Month: August

I selected The Wartime Book Club as my best book for August. Peach Tea Smash was a close second. The Wartime Book Club is a WWII era historical fiction story. While I don't usually read WWII fiction, the story is about those left behind on the Channel Island of Jersey. It did not have any military action. Another reason I liked the book is that the setting is new to me. I enjoyed reading about 
this setting.

The story was about how a community stuck together during the occupation of their island. While there were a few who turned in their neighbors to the Nazis in order to obtain additional food, most of the residents helped each other out as much as they could.

The story also showed the importance of books banned by the Nazis to the Jersey residents. The reader sees how Grace, the main character and a librarian, was able to deliver these books to residents without getting caught by the Nazi occupiers. Grace's heroism is the main theme of the plot. A secondary plot concerns her friend Bea. Bea made many mistakes and did not take care to hide what she was doing. She was impulsive and that got her into more than one fix. Friendship is another theme. 

I recommend The Wartime Book Club to historical fiction fans. It was a fantastic read.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Book Cover of the Month: August

This book cover is so gorgeous that it absolutely must be my best book cover for August. A History of Japan in Manga is exactly what the title says. We get a history written in comic book format. Comics are a fantastic way to learn about history and actually retain the information. The book has line drawings colored in a cool tone of pink, which is my favorite color. It tells the story of Japan from its beginnings to the present day. 

The author, Shunichiro Kanaya, both wrote and illustrated this book as well as the cover. He is a lecturer in the Department of Japanese History at Toshin High School in Musashino, Japan. He is the author of several books on Japanese history and has appeared as a history commentator on NTV, Fuji TV and TV Tokyo. He is a busy man but I hope that he has the time to write more comics.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #32

There are two new books in my stack this week. 
I have been a follower of the America's Untold Stories You Tube Channel. The channel hosts recently interviewed Geoff Shepard who wrote these two books on the Watergate scandal. Shepard worked in the Nixon White House and has an intriguing viewpoint on the scandal.

The Real Watergate Scandal was published in 2015. The author believes that the Nixon resignation was a coup d'etat and that Nixon should not have had to resign the presidency.  Normally I would reject such a notion as a conspiracy theory. 
 Having lived through Watergate I believe that I know everything about it. I read many newspapers at the time that it occurred. However, since Shepard worked in the White House as a lawyer at the time of the scandal, I believe that his opinion matters.

In 2021 Geoff Shepard published The Nixon Conspiracy.
I have heard that some of the information in The Real Watergate Scandal above is repeated but that there is a different approach to the scandal in this newer book. The You Tube channel hosts recommended both books so I purchased them. 

Shepard graduated from Whittier College (as did Nixon) and Harvard Law School. He served as associate director of the Domestic Council in the White House as well as the deputy counsel on Nixon's Watergate defense team.  

Hard Eight

Hard Eight is the 8th book in the Stephanie Plum comedic mystery series. Author Janet Evanovich just published #31 so this is a lengthy series. In fact, Evanovich has stated that the series will never end. I selected this book for the Clock Reading Challenge. The Challenge Rules require a number from 1 through 12 to be in the title.

With this installment of the series Stephanie is  asked by her parents' next-door neighbor, Mabel Markowitz, to find her granddaughter, Evelyn and great-granddaughter, Annie, who have disappeared. During a messy divorce with her ex-husband, Steven Soter, Evelyn was forced to post a child custody bond, and Mabel used her house as collateral. If Evelyn is not found, then the bond company will foreclose on her house, and the money will be forfeited to Steven. Mabel asks for Stephanie's help, since as a bounty hunter she is the closest thing Mabel knows to aaa detective. Stephanie is unable to refuse, even though she is not a private investigator.

The plot was light on action but heavy on the comedy. I found it difficult to maintain interest in the story because there were so many funny statements. I prefer a tight mystery that has no fluff and Evanovich is all fluff. I am not sure whether I will read more of the series for the Clock Reading Challenge or not. I might go back to one of Luana Ehrlich's series. Neither of these authors excite me much but they're the only authors I have found with numbers in their titles.

2 out of 5 stars.

Friday, August 23, 2024


Ruined was published in November 2023. It is a Regency-era romance graphic novel about the unexpected passion that bloomed from a marriage of convenience. This reminds me of a show I love, Bridgerton, from the dresses to the parties.

The publisher's summary:

The whole town is whispering about how Catherine Benson lost her virtue, though they can never agree on the details. Was it in the public garden? Or a moving carriage?

Only a truly desperate man would want her now—and that’s exactly what Andrew Davener is. His family’s estate is in disrepair, but Catherine’s sizeable dowry could set it to rights.

After the two wed, Catherine finds herself inexplicably drawn to Andrew. But could falling in love with her husband tear her marriage apart? In this richly detailed Regency romance, duty and passion collide in a slow-burn tale of intertwined fates.

Ruined is a sweet Regency story.  Our heroine was caught having pre-marital sex, in the bushes, with a man who was engaged to someone else. The villagers could not resist gossiping about her and her father was horrified at what she had done. Catherine's father made a quick wedding arrangement with an aristocratic family that needed money. In a few short weeks Catherine was married to Andrew Davener and taken to live at Davener House. The house was in a state of disrepair with a leaky roof and old furniture. Much of the family jewels had been sold to pay for some repairs. 

There were problems with the marriage from the start because Catherine and Andrew did not know each other, let alone love each other. Catherine did not want to consummate the marriage until she received proof of love from Andrew. He left her bedroom on their wedding night promising not to return unless she asked him to. Catherine threw herself into renovating her new home but did not have much contact with her husband, except at meal time. Both were abrupt with each other.  When Andrew asked her what she expected from the marriage she stated that she wanted love letters and poetry. Thus began their dance around each other as they slowly began to get to know one another. There were 4 or 5 problems that they encountered during this time period but eventually love won out. 

The plot had several twists and turns in the relationship that gave the story an air of mystery. I knew that they would end up together because, after all, this is a Regency romance. There were 3 other couples involved in the plot and one of them was gay, which was covered up by the two ladies working in the same business.  The ending was a happily ever after. 

I would love to see a sequel but do not know if that is in the author's plans.  We shall see.  I am rating the book 4 out of 5 stars. The story was good and the drawings were superb, colored in bright colors.