Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Book Cover of the Month: February

You can’t go wrong with an Andy Warhol type of painting on a book cover. Warhol is one of my favorite pop artists and I was attracted to the book because of the cover. Warhol was part of the storyline so it's a great match for the cover. I couldn't find any information about the cover designer so I sent a message to author Susan Bacon. She replied:

"The jacket design is by Taylor Martin. He lives in Austin, Texas and heads up a design firm called Design Positive. He brought an illustrator on board named Alejandro Mila. I love the way it turned out. We wanted it to be compatible with the first book in the series, which Taylor also designed . . ."

Martin does not specialize in just designing book covers. His company creates logos, websites and advertising for private business organizations. 

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