Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday #32


Agony in Amethyst is the 5th installment of the Harriet Gordon cozy mystery series. The series takes place in Singapore during the 1920s. It will be published later this year in October. When the 4th installment came out last year the author announced that it would be the last novel in the series. I love this series so I am thrilled that there is another book to read.

Per the publisher, our protagonist Harriet Gordon faces uncertainty in her budding relationship with Robert Curran, who has just returned from months in Kuala Lumpur. Curran's expected promotion turns sour when the position is given to an old adversary from his Scotland Yard days. The arrival of the Colonial foreign secretary, Sir Henry Cunningham, revives memories of one of Curran's unresolved cases. The death of a schoolgirl at a lavish ball, hosted by the Governor in honour of the visitor, brings Curran into direct conflict with his new superior officer. When he confides his suspicions to Harriet, she inadvertently betrays his trust, threatening his already shaky career.

October seems so far away! I cannot wait to get hands hands on this book.

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