Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Life Update

I kind of fell off the wagon with my reading last month. Life has been difficult to say the least. A friend and co-worker went missing in early March. She was found 2 weeks later when her body washed up on the Lake Michigan shoreline. A cause of death has never been disclosed by the police. Her funeral is at the end of this week, 2 months after the supposed date of her death. The police seem to be keeping the details of their investigation close to the vest and not knowing is hard to bear. With the disclosure of information being piecemeal, there is never a sense of closure. Is there a so-called person of interest? I think so but I don't know much else nor how "interesting" this person might look to the police. Perhaps he isn't all that interesting. Perhaps there are other persons of interest.

My office returned to working in person the first week of April and at least 30 people have approached me to whisper their belief of who was responsible for her death. It's always the same person. If he didn't do this, it's his own fault for looking suspicious. Is it possible that she killed herself? Yes. She certainly had alot of drama to deal with. However, the facts given out by the police don't add up and every co-worker that approached me said so. All these whispers are adding to my stress level.

As I am writing this post, I realize it looks like a prologue for a mysyery novel that I might review. It's not. The death of Elise Malary has been reported in the news locally, nationally and internationally. What's funny is that it was reported in Britain before it was reported in the American national media. The whole affair has been devastating and I cannot concentrate on reading anymore. I don't know when I will get back to it. There were plans in the next 3 months for reviewing certain newly published books but, as the saying goes, I have fallen off the wagon.

I feel that I probably shouldn't publish this post. Writing it has released some of the tension that I feel and as I write, I am thinking about deleting the post either before or after publication. I do not know what to do. Part of me wants to shout from the rooftops and another part of me says to keep quiet. I question myself why I feel I should be quiet. There are no answers, just grief.

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