Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Growing Up Meathead

I received a free copy of this book through the Early Reviewer's Club at Librarything. When I requested a copy of the book I thought it was a graphic novel. However, it is a memoir of the author's life growing up with the nickname Meathead. When I realized that it was written for young adults I set it aside for a few days. After reading the book today I am sorry that I waited. I loved it! 

Probably a big part of why I like this book has to do with having similar experiences growing up as the author had. Meathead is egged on by his friends to shoplift candy, gum and other items from a local store.  I hate to admit I did the same thing under peer pressure. However, Meathead becomes the best shoplifter at his school, takes orders from classmates, steals the merchandise and distributes it at school the next day.  His best friend Matt is a frequent accomplice. Together they steal higher priced and larger items such as comic books, batteries, and bags of snacks. They have so much stuff that they have to scramble to find hiding spaces.  When they get caught six months later their parents make them return the merchandise to the store manager.  The manager is shocked that they each have 6 full bags of stuff. Fearing the loss of his job because of the amount that was stolen under his nose, the manager decides not to call the police and keep the matter quiet. However, Meathead and Matt are banned from the shop. 

The two of them move on to other antics such as terrorizing girls, fighting older boys and lying about their age. These are the stories of childhoods long passed. I cannot imagine kids today being allowed outside all day to play and get into this kind of hilarious trouble. 

5 out of 5 stars.

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