Saturday, August 24, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #32

There are two new books in my stack this week. 
I have been a follower of the America's Untold Stories You Tube Channel. The channel hosts recently interviewed Geoff Shepard who wrote these two books on the Watergate scandal. Shepard worked in the Nixon White House and has an intriguing viewpoint on the scandal.

The Real Watergate Scandal was published in 2015. The author believes that the Nixon resignation was a coup d'etat and that Nixon should not have had to resign the presidency.  Normally I would reject such a notion as a conspiracy theory. 
 Having lived through Watergate I believe that I know everything about it. I read many newspapers at the time that it occurred. However, since Shepard worked in the White House as a lawyer at the time of the scandal, I believe that his opinion matters.

In 2021 Geoff Shepard published The Nixon Conspiracy.
I have heard that some of the information in The Real Watergate Scandal above is repeated but that there is a different approach to the scandal in this newer book. The You Tube channel hosts recommended both books so I purchased them. 

Shepard graduated from Whittier College (as did Nixon) and Harvard Law School. He served as associate director of the Domestic Council in the White House as well as the deputy counsel on Nixon's Watergate defense team.  


  1. It's always interesting to see what different people make of the same event.

    There have been so many scandals lately that you just don't know what the truth is anymore.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. Interesting. I wonder if, due to how long ago it was, we can begin to look at it a bit more objectively now. That might lead to a new perspective on it as well.
